Fanclub Membership Terms & Agreement 


Hotmail, Yahoo and other Temporary / Annonymous Emails are Not accepted

For Your Protection All Data is Sent Encrypted and Discarded from Online Records
Hotmail and Yahoo emails are not accepted- We need your permanent email address for Correspondence


Revised 07/21/19 - Reviewed 07/27/24 07/27/2024

IP address: Date: 07/27/24 Time: 02:30 AM

Company: (COMPANY) ID: (na)
Member: (No AGENCY/SERVICE Name Passed) - (na)

Membership previews are provided AT NO CHARGE - Please do not assume we will grant access to the Members Sections of our website for FREE!!! Membership fees are not due or collected until Customer enters his/her credit card, PayPal or other payment method. No billing will occur, no advertising emails, or contacts occur. If Customer enters a payment method a Membership Confirmation will be emailed to display access information. Once customer has entered his/her credit card or payment method authority is granted to to collect monies and activate Customer's membership.

Membership fee entitles above person access into the Member areas of the website and to view photos, information and video clips for personal information. Membership fees are ONE TIME ONLY charges and NO RECURING OR AUTOMATIC CHARGES WILL OCCUR unless member specifically renews membership in the future or does something to create an additional charge. A no cancelation / no refund policy applies after member submits credit card, PayPal, Check or other payment method is received.

Membership announcements are sent by email to the email address given by Member at time of application. Member is responsible to provide accurate, correct, and active contact email address at time of activation., it's agents and associates are not responsible for lost, returned, disactivated, or suspended contact notifications and contacts not delivered due to technical failures.

Membership is valid for a period specified commencing on the date payment of membership fees are credited to or date member is granted access. Member must have an up to date version of Netscape, Internet Explorer or comparable web browser and widely available plugins (currently RealVideo) to properly view high resolution graphics, video clips, internet plugins, codes and webpages. Member may contact advertisers and manufacturers for professional reasons pertaining to purchasing vehicles and accessories only.

Photographs, Trademarks, Sponsors, person(s) names, text and video clips featured on this website are COPYRIGHTED and PROTECTED by International Copyright laws. All rights reserved. No duplication allowed. All materials, photographs, files, etc. are not to be used for any commercial use or displayed in public without written authorization from the owners of this website and the individual advertisers and manufacturers directly involved. Content, website links, contact information and number of active auto manufacturers featured subject to change due to availability., it's agents and associates are not responsible for any outcome of business transactions or results of viewing any content supplied to or from any link, webpage, or information found on the website and participating dealers, agents, manufacturers, members, staff and administrators.

Member is not permitted to contact participating manufacturers or other Members for any commercial reason, personal purposes or subject not directly related to BikiniGirl. Member is not permitted to give access directly or indirectly to any other person(s). Membership is not transferable to any other person(s). Member is held accountable and responsible to pay access fees should Member give his/her access code to ANY other person(s) either directly or indirectly. reserves the right to charge member's credit card for all persons who obtain that Member's access codes and access addresses.

All contests and pageants sponsors are subject to a "minimum participation" clause whereby all costs incurred by, it's advertisers, representatives and participating models must be recovered directly from such participation prior to any winning monies or prizes being awarded. It is the sole descretion of the management of to withdrawl from such events at any time. prides itself on conducting online business o the highest honor. All fraudulent transactions are investigated and electronic IP addressing, internet connection data, and Identities will be provided to local police and international FBI should return charges occur. Charges are displayed on Member's statements under our parent company ARCIVE NETWORKS INC. Please make note of this for when your statement arrives later this month.

A clearance period of up to 40 days may be required in order to administer credit card payments. Charges will be listed on members statements in the name of our parent company "Arcive Networks". We reserve the right to refuse membership and access to any person who does not follow these terms or for justifiable reasons without refund. may charge Member any "additional" costs required to collect fees. Membership terms may change and Members may be notified by email of such changes.


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