a division of

A R C I V E . N E T W O R K S

MOD.agency, MOD.agency.net and/or Other websites
administered by MOD.agency Network"
Hereby stated to be "MOD.agency"

License: Carson City, NV 07-00023707 ARCIVE NETWORKS


C R E W / S E R V I C E .L I S T I N G. A G R E E M E N T

LAST UPDATE: 04/29/18 - DATE VIEWED: 10/18/2024

IP address: Date: 10/18/24 Time: 03:46 AM




Hereby stated to be the "CREW/SERVICE"



Agent / Representative:


Hereby stated to be the "Agency"





"MOD.agency" is hereby stated to be the MOD.agency and/or MOD.agency.net and/or Other websites direclty administered by MOD.agency Network website residing upon an electronic host server addressed by the domains "http://www.MOD.agency and/or Other websites direclty administered by MOD.agency Network", , and all directly related websites to MOD.agency and our parent company ARCIVE.com.


"CREW/SERVICE" and "Portfolios" are hereby stated to be persons contributing all electronic data, files, sound files, video files and printed materials associated with MOD.agency which are created from CREW/SERVICE's photos and files submitted by CREW/SERVICE and/or Agency. These may include scans of printed


"photos" are hereby stated to be all photographic, electronic or physical items associated with the above stated portfolios which are furnished or will be furnished by CREW/SERVICE and/or Agency to MOD.agency and/or Other websites


"videos" are hereby stated to be all electronic or physical items associated with the above stated portfolios which are furnished or will be furnished by CREW/SERVICE and/or Agency to MOD.agency and/or MOD.agency.net and/or Other websites direclty administered by MOD.agency Network for inclusion into the video project








MOD.agency is a free service for CREW/SERVICEs to connect with industry professionals. MOD.agency role is a mentoring system and online portfolio and listing service. MOD.agency does not act as a model agency, does not directly book models, oversee or guarrantee any aspect of participating entities. Participants may be charged advertising fees to gain premium placement amongst listing. These fees are charged in accordance to established web advertising criteria. Fees may be charged per month or annually with recurring billing. There are NO standard entertainment industry GENCY FEES, ROYALTIES or COMMISSIONS charged for participating.

MOD.agency and/or Other websites direclty administered by MOD.agency network together with CREW/SERVICE and/or Agency agree to allow MOD.agency and/or MOD.agency.net and/or Other websites direclty administered by MOD.agency Network the rights to display, advertise, alter, modify, include and exclude all materials included in CREW/SERVICE'S Portfolios for a period of at least 5 years from the date of this agreement or until CREW/SERVICE is excluded from the website at the discretion of the Owner and staff of


CREW/SERVICE and/or Agency agrees to allow MOD.agency and/or Other websites direclty administered by MOD.agency Network the rights to display, advertise, alter, modify, include and exclude all materials included in CREW/SERVICE'S Portfolios for promotional use related to the MOD.agency and/or MOD.agency.net and/or Other websites direclty administered


CREW/SERVICE is and remains an independant identiy hired, promoted and otherwise represented per contract. BikiniGirl.com and/or Other websites direclty administered by BikiniGirl Network makes no claim to exclusively hire, promote and otherwise represent model at any time. MOD.agency IS NOT A ACTOR/CREW/SERVICE AGENCY and will not gain compensation for or act in any way to directly book or administer the booking of Actor. CREW/SERVICE will not be required by MOD.agency to utilize the services of additional agents, agencies offline and online.

This Agreement is entered into by free will and based upon good faith by all interested parties. Should a discrepancy occur this agreement shall be litigated upon by the guidelines and regulations brought forth by the State of Nevada,


CREW/SERVICE may request to have materials removed from website at any time. MOD.agency may continue to display within publicly viewed and member areas any media content constructed and distributed for promotional purposes during the period of time prior to notification of official. (I.E. logos, banners, print ads, etc. which are difficult to remove) All models who leave the world of modeling will be retained in our "Retired CREW/SERVICEs" section for future reference as it is our practice to follow the successes of our models throughout their


CREW/SERVICE may display the MOD.agency logos in any personal promotion ad, portfolio, resume and credit within the period of time CREW/SERVICE is featured in the website. If CREW/SERVICE requests to be removed or is excluded by MOD.agency she may only use MOD.agency in


CREW/SERVICE and Agency agrees to limit access of ANY other person(s) to only the areas of the website deemed to be "OPEN TO THE PUBLIC". At this time this

http://www.MOD.agency and/or Other websites direclty administered by MOD.agency

( CREW/SERVICE may request to have several photos displayed in this section )

CREW/SERVICE's photos will be displayed in this section and available for any person(s) to view. Photos displayed within the "MEMBER AREAS" are not to

All photos, videos & renderings taken by MOD.agency and/or Other associated photographers and given to CREW/SERVICE and/or CREW/SERVICE Representative(s) must display the MOD.agency COPYRIGHT LOGO clearly visible. CREW/SERVICE is granted permisssion to display such photos in her own personal website however, MOD.agency retains copyright protection, duplication and ownership rights. CREW/SERVICE is responsible to see that copyright log and protection notices are added to all raw photos & videos if

CREW/SERVICE does NOT hold MOD.agency and/or Other websites direclty administered by MOD.agency Network owner, staff or agents accountable for any correspondence between CREW/SERVICE and Members, viewers and other person who attains email address or other information through agency listings, referral listings, directory listings, etc. We highly recommend each of our CREW/SERVICEs to not contact viewers, visitors and members directly on a personal level. All work proposals should be negotiated through representatives and/or CREW/SERVICE's specified


Pay Rates & Fees:


CREW/SERVICE DOES NOT have to pay fees to MOD.agency for jobs! We are not an Agency, MOD.agency refers CREW/SERVICEs to to Agents only. Current basic pay rates are displayed here for reference only. These are negotiable and may change without notice. It is the CREW/SERVICEs responsibilty to confirm agency identities, license status, payments, times, locations,

Amateurs/New CREW/SERVICEs:

$50 to $150/hr - 3 hr min


$100 to $350/hr - 3 hr min

Established CREW/SERVICEs:

$350/hr - Up to $20k/Day

Movies & TV Shows


Magazine, Print & Papers


Music Videos!!!





Pay-per-View Income:


CREW/SERVICE is entitled to request the inclusion of "artistic / more suggestive" photos & videos to be presented to viewers within our pay-per-view sections. PPV content is kept in each model's "secret hidden portfolio" and is not viewable by general members until they make a PPV payment. A fee which is determined by MOD.agency will be billed to each viewer each time viewer requests access to this feature. CREW/SERVICE will receive up to 50% of this fee to be paid quarterly via business check. At least THREE notices within SIX months will be sent to model via email regarding payments owed to her, after 6 months all uncollected payments will become the

Payments are not maid for fees until the ledger shows a balance more than $50 due. All PPV content must remain active in system once submitted to MOD.agency. CREW/SERVICE has the responsibility to keep an active email address and mailing address on file with MOD.agency so that notices regarding payments and policies may be delivered. Payments include all monies actually collected from MOD.agency from viewers and do not include unpaid fees. All associated fees required to collect or administer the pay-per-view function will be deducted from gross

MOD.agency takes every available precaution to maintain the value and security of PPV photos but does not guarantee that PPV content is 100% safe from pirating and hacking. Viewers are instructed to not make copies of these photos and to not redistribute these photos in any way, however, again we do not accept responsibility for any actions or outcomes of



Contest Participation :

All contests and pageants MOD.agency sponsors are subject to a "minimum participation" clause whereby all costs incurred by MOD.agency, it's advertisers, representatives and participating models must be recovered directly from such participation prior to any winning monies or prizes being awarded. It is the sole descretion of the management of MOD.agency to withdrawl from such events at any time.



Profit Payments:


CREW/SERVICE is entitled to be paid a specified percentage of any net income generated by the Videos, Calendars and Special Projects produced by MOD.agency and/or Other websites direclty administered by MOD.agency Network. A separate agreement will apply to these individual projects. Payment does not include any promotional production, advertisement or net income generated by Membership fees, maintenance fees, promotional fees and residual incomes paid to MOD.agency and/or Other websites


Videos & Video Profit Sharing:


CREW/SERVICE is entitled to be paid a specified percentage of any net income generated by the Video tapes sold which she is featured in. This amount is paid quarterly and is calculated from a 25% split of the net profits among the other models included in the video. Net profits are calculated by subtracting all promotional costs, delivery and handling costs, agency or dealer percentages, wholesale distribution costs and production costs of

A sales and costs summary

This video will be produced entirely at the cost of MOD.agency and/or MOD.agency.net and/or Other websites direclty administered by MOD.agency Network. Profits DO NOT include portfolio videos, sample videos or any promotional videos used for promotional purposes. Video profit sharing does not apply to videos broadcast as "Web broadcasts" via the internet, cable tv internet or other electronic transmissions, or any promotional production, advertisement or net income generated by Membership fees, maintenance fees, promotional fees and residual incomes paid to MOD.agency and/or MOD.agency.net and/or Other websites direclty administered

Proposed Number of CREW/SERVICEs:

Term of profit sharing: 5 years from initial date of public distribution.

All content including photos and videos created by MOD.agency and/or MOD.agency.net and/or Other Active Agents, Employees and Associates during CREW/SERVICE'S active participation done for pay and/or other considerations becomes the property of MOD.agency, to be displayed, advertised,





MOD.agency and Other websites direclty administered by MOD.agency Network, it's agents, employees, owners, and investors will not ask CREW/SERVICE(s) to pose in any area or position which would

CREW/SERVICE(s) agree to not do anything which could endanger themselves during the shooting, promotion and production of MOD.agency and Other websites direclty administered by MOD.agency Network

CREW/SERVICE(s) agree to not hold MOD.agency and Other websites direclty administered by MOD.agency Network, it's agents, employees, owners, and investors and location owners, managers, and personnel liable for any injuries which may occur during the shooting, promotion and production of MOD.agency and Other websites direclty administered by MOD.agency Network projects.


Standards of Conduct:

I understand that some standards of personal conduct, language, and references in the entrtainment industry may differ from other professions, and it is normally acceptable for Photographers/Filmakers and other persons involved in fashion media to comment about my body, and to make comments regarding subjects of adult and sexual nature. I understand that in the course of photographing/filming it may be necessary for the above mentioned to touch and adjust my hair and clothing. I do also realize that fashion modeling by nature is derivitive from human sexuality and in the CREW/SERVICEing profession there are exceptions to "Normal Social Standards". Sexual harrassment and abuse of any kind will never be acceptable but at the same time I agree the before stated to be true. If I feel uncomfortable with any remarks, actions or inferances of any nature during shooting I agree to give at least three verbal warnings of my discomfort. If after doing this actions persist contrary to my personal standards I may end the sessions and leave.

CANCELATION / WALK OUTS: Should I feel the need to cancel this shoot, any event or action related to this Project, for any reasonen any pay and profits will still be made to me if the Producer feels enough content was produced. The final assessment as to what is an acceptable level of content shall be made by the Producer alone. I hereby waive my rights to hold the above mentioned accountable, and to expect any compensation from my cancellation or walking out prior to the wrap up of the Project.


Projects and Contributions:


CREW/SERVICE agrees to pay MOD.agency and/or Other websites direclty administered by MOD.agency Network a 10% fee or minimum $50 for free promotional jobs unless otherwise agreed, for any work derived from contacts which occur as a result of CREW/SERVICE's past or present inclusion in our listings. Fee is calculated from the total paid to CREW/SERVICE including any costs that model has to pay for travel, materials, etc (these should be negotiated to be paid by the person(s) hiring model. Because we will be creating lasting working relationships between Industry Professionals and CREW/SERVICEs we require this fee to be paid for as long as the working relationship exists between CREW/SERVICE and any Industry


"Simply put if we contribute to the success of a CREW/SERVICE we want credit and "


CREW/SERVICE is included for consideration in all future projects including the MOD.agency and/or Other websites direclty administered by MOD.agency Network video, calendars, movies, etc. However we can not guarantee every


Photo copyrights:


CREW/SERVICE is responsible for supplying MOD.agency photos and access to photos which are copyright protected and "striped" with proper legal copyright notice: "IE: Copyright@2000 Joe Lambert Photography - No Anauthorized duplicatiion ".

All Content that is filmed by MOD.agency becomes the property of MOD.agency for use as content in our websites. CREW/SERVICE may be granted express permission in writing to use Content that is filmed by MOD.agency in CREW/SERVICE's portfolio/website for a limited period of time not to exceed 3 years. CREW/SERVICE is responsible to place copyright on the behalf of MOD.agency on each photo/video

Oral agreements are not honored. CREW/SERVICE must obtain an agreement to use Content that is filmed by MOD.agency


Banned Agencies & Photographers:


CREW/SERVICEs must not submit photos taken by photographers acting on the behalf of, and must notify us to remove photos taken by photographers acting on the behalf of the following agencies and any agency, photographer or associated company listied in our






Technically by submitting your photos electronically or by mail you have given you consent. However, we DO NOT feel comfortable using your photos without a signed copy of this agreement. It is our intention to represent our CREW/SERVICEs honestly and want our CREW/SERVICEs to feel good about being featured on MOD.agency and/or Other websites direclty

If you are unable to print out a copy of this agreement we will provide one for you.



Please print out a copy of this form, sign and date a copy and return it to our home base.


CREW/SERVICE: _________________________________ Date: ________________

I agree to these terms: ( yes or no ) ________________

CREW/SERVICE BIRTHDATE:____ / ____ / _____ age as of today: _____  


*If model age is less than 18 (or legal age of adult consent in model's state) parent or legal guardian must sign this agreement below


PARENT/GUARDIAN: _________________________________ Date: ________________

I agree to these terms: ( yes or no ) ________________



( Agent signature is not required if CREW/SERVICE is representing herself )


AGENT: _________________________________ Date: ________________

I agree to these terms: ( yes or no ) ____________



WITNESS: _________________________________ Date: ________________

I witnessed this agreement being signed by the CREW/SERVICE & Agent: ( yes or no ) _____________



This agreement becomes valid upon receipt and signatures of...


OWNER: ___________________________________ Date: ________________


RECEIVED: _________________________________ Date: ________________

I agree to these terms: ( yes or no ) _____________



WITNESS: _________________________________ Date: ________________

I witnessed this agreement being signed by the owner: ( yes or no ) _____________



Please Sign and Date it then Scan this Document and send immediately via email:
( To attach to an email - Log in to your account for email link)

MOD.agency network


Reno/Carson City, California 89706



Layout and design Copyright © 1997 MOD.agency and/or Other websites direclty administered by MOD.agency